2012 New York Screenplay Contest Official Finalists

Action / Adventure

  • "Toto Bravo" written by William Drake
  • "The Transcenders" Written by Paul Dupree
  • "The Mother Puckers" written by Elizabeth Kent
  • "The Power of Wil" written by William Kelman
  • "Bix Lives" written by Ron Eid
  • "Suzie Chopsticks" written by Debra Oliver
  • "El Graves" written by Matthew Rafferty
  • "The Runner" written by Daniel Baig
  • "Flatlanders" written by Mike Sherer
  • "The Killing Mode" written by Richard Sartore

Biographical / Historical

  • "Go Easy Love" written by Ron Eid
  • "Materminated" written by Carey Dunn
  • "Walk To Mississippi" written by Ellen Johnson
  • "The Crying Machine" written by Sean Elder
  • "James Burns" Written by Kenneth Molloy
  • "Company of Bullets" written by Alan Horsnail
  • "Southern Hospitality" written by Alan Douglas
  • "That One Girl with the Hair" written by Janet Lookabaugh
  • "Eke'Bolos (Straight-Shooter)" written by Stephen Settle
  • "Slave in the House" written by Kevin Lewis


  • "Serena And Her Sisters" written by Winston Furlong
  • "After All" written by Elizabeth Perkins
  • "How I Became a Hotchick With Average Breast Size" written by Dong Won Kang
  • "Ripped: The Trip Van Winkle Story" written by Thomas Charles
  • "Sebastian of the Apocalypse" written by Spencer Willis and Heath Woodlief
  • "The Green Revolution - Up All Night" written by Emily Sullivan
  • "Advent" written by Illimani Ferreira
  • "The Convictioneers" written by Brent Hanneson
  • "Mr. Ego" written by Alex Beattie
  • "Shooting An Officer" written by Daniel Lago
  • "The Tale of the Murdering Midwife and Other Brooklyn Love Stories" written by  Scott Ruane


  • "Siobhan" written by Cody Clarke
  • "Cake" written by Patrick Tobin
  • "Klaus the Great" written by Brian Weakland
  • "Rest in Peace" written by Dennis Sampler
  • "McAdam & Eve" written by John Brassil
  • "Ripple" written by Heather Faris
  • "Wednesdays at the Gem" written by Joanne Hock and Jane Balfrey
  • "The Five Day Crucifixion" written by Salvatore Bono
  • "Rings of Triumph" written by Greg Hill
  • "Crossroads, NY" written by Andre Donegan

Family Film

  • "Benjamin the Great" written by Scott Ruane
  • "Staycation" written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
  • "The Helping Stone" written by Robert Tolz
  • "River Dreams" written by Michael Raymond
  • "Spirit of the Rain" written by John Tupper
  • "One Hit Wonder" written by Bruce Rose
  • "The Ultimate Almanac" written by David Ullendorff
  • "Wide Right Knight" written by Zack Smith
  • "The Life and Afterlife of Jing Jing Wang" written by Jamie Read
  • "Lenita: Saving the Sea in time for Tea" written by Sian Nixon
  • "Woodley" written by Richard L. Sartore

Horror / Sci-Fi

  • "Soulboy" written by Eric Obame
  • "Last Exit This Galaxy" written by Thad Halcli
  • "Keener" written by Corey Mayne
  • "Ebu Gogo" written by Jonathan Weichsel
  • "Founding Fathers" written by Giles Daoust
  • "Time and Again" written by Stuart Creque
  • "Cleansed by the Blood" written by Ross Brunetti
  • "Shredded" written by Danielle Gershberg
  • "Downriver" written by Joseph J. Greenberg
  • "Subsistence" written by Nicola Ralph


  • "Death by DNA" written by Amy Dyal Bailey
  • "The Night Owl" written by Steve Raftery
  • "In Sheep's Clothing Two" written by  Rebecca Felland-Syring
  • "The Teacher - Marine" written by Jeffrey Ryback
  • "The Plumber" written by Jeffrey Ryback
  • "China Girls" written by Garey Riester
  • "The Dreamgates" written by Victor Stephanopoli
  • "Seeing Red" written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
  • "Fever" written by Eric Borden
  • "Smart Ones" written by Omar Yates

Short Screenplay

  • "Remember Tomorrow" written by Trevor Williams
  • "Tom Fool and the Ballad of the Lost Sparrow" written by Greg Bond
  • "This Modern Man is Beat" written by David Schroeder
  • "A Christmas Call" written by Olenka Mar
  • "Still" written by Veronica Underland
  • "Cupcake Kids" written by Donna Rothstein
  • "The Last Of Its Kind" written by Kevin Bui
  • "Every Escape Imaginable" written by Nick Butler

Stage Play

  • "Death by DNA" written by Amy Dyal Bailey
  • "The Night Owl" written by Steve Raftery
  • "In Sheep's Clothing Two" written by  Rebecca Felland-Syring
  • "The Teacher - Marine" written by Jeffrey Ryback
  • "The Plumber" written by effrey Ryback
  • "China Girls" written by Garey Riester
  • "The Dreamgates" written by Victor Stephanopoli
  • "Seeing Red" written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
  • "Fever" written by Eric Borden
  • "Smart Ones" written by Omar Yates


  • "Soul Transplant" written by Izabela Borowska
  • "Untitled Supernatural Love Story" written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn
  • "+Peace The Perfect Season" written by Sandra Stoodley
  • "Mythora: Quest For Saint Faith" written by Rony Franck
  • "Ghostbusters 3" written by Nicholas Di Valerio

Television Concept

  • "Vintage Porn, Pilot: Don't Be Late" written by Carol Freitas
  • "Reporting on Life" written by Brad Fletcher
  • "Better to Know Now!" written by Lawrence Roberts
  • "Born - Pilot: Something For The Pain" written by Peter Lord
  • "Castle: Just One More Thing" written by John Portilla
  • "The Engagement Games" written by Lawrence Roberts
  • "Race City" written by Zach Calig
  • "Chicks on a Bench" written by Daniel Shepard
  • "The Habibis" written by Ali Imran Zaidi
  • "Killer Rock from Space" written by Mike DeMille

Television Pilot - Drama

  • "Charlie Danata" written by Gabriel Andrews
  • "The Intrepidors" written by Bruce Gadel
  • "Playette" written by Allison Phelan
  • "WNPC" written by Wendy Wilkins
  • "Strange-Adelphia" written by Robert Henderson
  • "Greed" written by Jordan Shlosberg
  • "Comaville" written by Leslie Harroun
  • "Human Con" written by Benj Yoblick
  • "America's Armpit" written by Gabriele Cheng
  • "Hollywood and Vine" written by Zach Bandler, Max Spitulnik and Brian Spitulnik

Television Pilot - Sitcom

  • "Help Desk" written by Andrew Lynagh
  • "Bests" written by Adrian Kennedy
  • "Max U" written by M. Esther Sherman
  • "Expats" written by Christopher Hines
  • "The Astronauts Club" written by Adrian Kennedy

Television Spec Script

  • "The Horizon" written by Julien Deladriere
  • "Shameless - Fair Games" written by Victoria Casarsa
  • "Life of the Party" written by Robert King
  • "Curb Your Enthussiasm: Accident" written by David Schroeder
  • "Next Of Kin" written by Dylan Morgan and Devin Norik
  • "Flower City" written by Jack Swanstrom
  • "Pete's Cup'A'Joe" written by RJ Buckley
  • "In the Weeds" written by Eric Brown
  • "California/English" written by Dee Dee Fay